If you find yourself following up the title by humming “there she goes again…’ you’re old. You also shouldn’t look up the lyrics and end up on Wikipedia only to find out what a horrible song that really is, but I digress.

No she, in this case, refers to Kristi. Last fall she was presented with the opportunity to visit the Philippines with other members of the Zeeland Christian staff and at the incessant (yet polite) urging of Kayleigh she accepted. Yay new adventures! I cannot speak for Kristi too much, but there was a fair amount of trepidation or healthy anxiety leading up to her departure. My intent, for the next 10 days, is to prove to her that every second of her her wariness leading up to the trip was totally worth it :)

Night One

  • I let a child have a mountain dew too late in the evening for their own good

  • I used a keycard to let myself into a school to grab boots for a child who left them in a locker

  • I let my driver in training fumble on the road wondering which exit was correct while claiming I was simply a captive in her vehicle. (She chose correctly)

  • I did some grocery shopping as a responsible adult does. Kids can live on crackers right?

  • I amused two children by claiming to have flown gracefully like an eagle and landed like a gazelle while walking the ice two weeks ago. They claim I fell and hurt myself… I remember differently .Regardless they were quite amused at my retelling.

  • The kids watched a movie starring Ms. Olsen. No, not Elizabeth, Ashley and Mary Kate (hello 1995)

  • I cooked. Was it only pasta? Yes, but I made it in the house (no take out yet!)

  • I’ve tried to establish rules of cleanliness around the house. So far I’m losing.

  • No fires, no blood, and no yelling. Yet.

Here’s to tomorrow, sweet dreams y’all.
